Document Digitisation- The Way Forward For Businesses

It is almost unrecognizable how the offices from half a decade ago evolved into the offices of today. The advent of technology into the working professional’s life has completely revolutionized the very way we undertake work today. With the changing times, it is also notable how the way we share information across departments and up the hierarchy has been affected. Paper, which used to be the medium of exchanging information is now replaced by emails, digital documents, and electronic invoices. The image of the future office space is a paperless one. So how can organizations scale up for better efficiency so that when the time of the paperless office comes, they can be ready? The answer is simple- by scanning your documents and slowly reducing the amount of paper you use in the office.

A simple observation of your office space is proof enough of why it is a necessary move. Imagine rifling through filing cabinets to find a folder from which you need one page of information to resolve a pressing issue in your organization. It is a waste of time and human effort. Chances are, old documents stored in filing cabinets will not be in a procurable condition. The information on the page forever lost. In most cases, you probably won’t even find the document, since it could just as easily get misplaced in some other folder in some other file cabinet.

Doesn’t all these scenarios make the idea of document digitisation more indispensable?

Doesn’t all these scenarios make the idea of document digitisation more indispensable?

How does document digitisation work?

Document digitisation may look difficult, but with the right partner its a breeze!

Document digitisation is essentially the process of obtaining the digital print of a paper document, thereby removing the need for the original material. Moreover, these digital prints can be converted into searchable documents, thus allowing for easy retrieval of data by external software.

Imagine a scenario where a vital document containing your tax returns comes to your email inbox. You will not have to open the email as the external software will automatically download it, scan and convert it into a searchable document and retrieve the relevant information from the document.

While the name ‘document digitisation’ may sound uncomplicated, the procedure involved high-end software. Termed as OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition), the software can intelligently identify patterns on the paper and convert it into digital information. Be it handwritten, scribbled or printed, these technologies can get the right information from any document. They also allow you to search for keywords within the text, thereby making your access to information a smooth process.

With Valto, building a paperless office is no hassle. However, the optimization this operation creates is a huge win for your organization. Here are some reasons why.

Four critical benefits for small and large business owners are:

Impressive Savings of Time and Money

It’s simple – equate your time to a cost. The money you spend retrieving a document you require from a filing cabinet will undoubtedly amount to more than what it will cost you to click a few buttons and extract it. The time saved can be used to invest in something more productive for your organization.

Reduced Physical Storage Space Requirements

Filing cabinets can consume much space in your office basement. Space which can be used by employees as a workspace or for other recreational activities. Furthermore, storage spaces privately owned by organizations are usually not well-equipped to protect their documents from hazards like moisture, fire, air, insects and other contaminants.

High-End Security for Your Information

When stored in a digital format, it cannot be accessed or tampered upon unless the admin allows you to. Thus document digitisation can help keep critical information only to those who have to see it. The digital information will remain in the servers so that even if an employee loses their device, the data won’t.

Improved Performance in Sharing and Collaboration

Imagine having to go up floors to hand an essential report to another person when they need it. With document digitisation, a few clicks and the report can be shared instantly with the other party. Converting to digital documents also allows multiple people to work on the same document. Thus, it successfully becomes a virtual discussion room for everyone’s inputs to be put on the table.

These reasons when considered by any business owner, make document digitisation’s ROI seem almost like a magic wish. When you hand over the responsibility of digitising your documents to Valto, we come with a professional team holding years of experience in the field of document digitisation, management, and storage. With our expertise, you have nothing to worry about, and all you will have to do is focus on growing your business. Give us a call or drop us an email to get to know more about our document digitisation services.

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