Why Remote Browser Isolation Is The Future For Organizations

The Internet is far from safe as we all know. It is statistically shown that 10,000-30,000 new malicious websites are identified each day. With the spread of malicious content across the web, individuals are becoming more and more prone to having their information stolen. Which when considered taking place at a corporate premise, can lead to severe data breaches because of an employee who didn’t know better.

Most organizations have their own way of monitoring what websites their employees access. But in today’s world, one can never be too sure even about the most securest of websites. All it takes for a hacker to manipulate these sites is to insert code that attacks our browser without triggering your firewalls. This can even happen during the loading of the websites, which shows why it is time for organizations to consider working on virtual premises to prevent the the possibility of losing sensitive data due to ignorance. Keeping this in mind, keep reading this article to find out why Remote Browser Isolation is the way forward for organizations.

Why Remote Browser Isolation?

What makes it so different from the other virtual computing solutions? Because it takes the concept of a virtual browser a step ahead. As the name suggests, this method of browsing takes place in a remote location inaccessible from the local network by operating the virtual browser inside a dedicated lightweight Linux container. In Remote Browser Isolation, a separate dedicated Linux container is initiated for each tab the user opens.

Upon launching a new browser session, either by clicking a link or by entering a URL, a container is selected from the pool of containers available. Remote Browser Isolation makes sure that active web content is converted into images and sound within the container and real-time streaming takes place to provide a browser experience just like the experience of using a physical PC in front of you.

But how are your network and endpoints kept safe from malware? Since there is no web code running on your device, the possibility of threats from the browser is completely removed. When the user’s session is done and the browser is closed, the container is discarded, destroying all traces of malware that could have breached the organization’s defenses.

How does Ericom here?

Overhead: The need for having high-end hardware for operating your employees’ needs is eliminated with the use of Remote Browser Isolation. They consequently need significantly lesser server infrastructure that most virtualization-based solutions, which equates to significant cost savings. Scaling up your RBI solutions exponentially is also possible at lower costs.

User experience: Virtual browsers take time to launch a session. The containerized remote browsers used for RBI solutions launch instantly. Besides, within a remote browser it is possible to surf internal and external websites, which is slightly trickier in virtual browser solutions where it uses separate browsers or tabs to do the same.

Security: The immediate disintegration of the container after the user closes their browsing session eliminates the possibility of malware spread. Ericom Shield in particular offers an additional level of security by providing built-in sanitization of any downloaded files to protect against hidden malware that might be embedded within.

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