
Backlog Conversion

Digitalize years of paper documents for smarter access, cost savings & data better security


The process of digitizing office documents is the need of the hour. Organizations that are scaling up their operations need to keep in match with the rate of growth of the surrounding technologies. This is where the use of paper becomes inefficient, costly and non-sustainable.

Digitalize years of logs and data that is occupying your floor space into an organized structure of easily accessible, secure and cost saving data archive. Valto has experience in converting millions of paper documents into a well formatted & organized data archive.

How do we digitalize your documents?

  • We prepare the documents received by separating it into various categories. This is done after understanding the client’s ongoing paper-based processes.
  • Using high-end scanners that can capture clear, crisp images of your documents, our skilled teams can process over 200,000 images per day.
  • Post scanning, the images undergo individual quality checks. Upon clearing the quality check, we capture the information most important to you and index all your documents individually.

“Valto was engaged with the Document Digitization project at our Kochi office. They have successfully completed the project with display of professionalism, dedication, efficiency, quality and excellence. We have no hesitation in recommending Valto as a preferred choice for digitization services”


Use your employees for the jobs that you hired them for – leave the additional work to us. Our document digitization teams are highly specialized in capturing the information that matters to your organization.

On average, companies spend over 700 hours a year searching for important paper documents. Digitization allows you to have the information relevant to you at the click of a few buttons.

Enable a collaborative workforce that can work simultaneously on the same set of information. Faster idea-sharing creates new perspectives and promises a broad growth to your organization.

When your dependency on paper is eliminated, you have a real look into the performance metrics of your processes. Focus on the good and eliminate the bad, starting with paper.

Eliminate exposure of confidential information, from both people and external factors. Digitizing your documents removes the dependency you have on each sheet of paper.

Drive efficiency, both in the business and environment practices. Document digitization offers your business a very sustainable model of growth.

Let us work together

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