
Enterprise Content Management System

Streamlining the process of information flow & enabling a workplace that prioritizes real-time collaborations and productivity.


Working with paper documents is a redundant process. Companies that prioritize growth need to explore ways to transition from using unstructured information to a more efficient process of information sharing. This is where content management solutions come into the picture. Whether you are a small, Medium or enterprise-sized business digital transformation enables you to keep up with the business trends. That promise growth in the long-term to you. your data is stored centrally allowing for better access, management and security of your company’s Information.

Easy management of digital documentation
Digital documentation is the future. Enabled with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), it is much easier for the search for your documents on the basis of the information within the document.
Building the organization’s workflow
In multi-user environments, a clearly defined digital workflow modelled around the on-ground work style can make information transfer within the office much smoother.
All your work compiled in a single dashboard
Your documents which were worked upon, which have been tasked to you, your frequent folders of work… all available at a click from the user-friendly dashboard.
Information Security
Your documents can be protected using passwords and user-access rights, making information available to required eyes only. All documents are also encrypted so that they ca only be used within the system.
Audit reports at the user and document levels
Keep a track of all activities performed on the document, or by any user, right from the time they log into the system.
Version Control
This feature allows you to maintain multiple versions of the same document, which allows you to understand changes made to the documents by multiple stakeholders.
Content Management Solutions have impacted all industries across the world - ranging from banking and insurance to government and healthcare. Businesses are empowered with better access, security and management of company information because of the centralized storing of data in the form of digital documentation. When you use digital documentation, your business can now avail of automation of repetitive processes, easy and error-free data capture from documents and management of content with integration of business applications and workflows.
In addition to this, using a content management system provides your employees with more time on their hands to focus on more important tasks, as the solution can be programmed to perform redundant tasks that are low-priority and time consuming. Content Management Solutions are the key to transforming your business.



Secure the access to your content by enabling user rights, permissions and selective workflows


Smart data capture by ECMs are error-free and require minimal staff intervention.


Integrate your ECM with the existing IT infrastructure without any hassle and begin working like normal from day one.


Understand employee efficiency with the help of user audit logs and workflow turnaround times.


Enable workflows to remove bottlenecks from all business operations.


ECMs offer a robust disaster-recovery mechanism, while ensuring AES-256 encryption for all your digital documents.

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