
Invoice Capture Solution

Save over 85% man hours spent on low-value, high-intensity processes with no margin for error.


Automated invoice data capture involves using technology to extract relevant information from invoices and process it without manual intervention. This process usually involves a combination of optical character recognition (OCR), machine learning, and sometimes natural language processing (NLP). Here’s a high-level overview of how it typically works:

  1. Document Acquisition: The first step is to collect invoices, which might come in various formats such as PDFs, images (JPEG, PNG), or even emails.
  2. OCR Technology: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is used to convert the scanned images or PDFs of invoices into machine-readable text. OCR tools analyze the layout and structure of the document to extract text.
  3. Data Extraction: Once the text is extracted, the system identifies and extracts specific data fields like invoice number, date, vendor name, item descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and totals. T
  4. Data Validation: The extracted data is then validated to ensure accuracy. This might include:

Cross-Referencing: Checking the data against predefined formats or databases.

Rules-Based Validation: Ensuring that extracted values meet certain logical criteria (e.g., totals match the sum of line items).

  1. Data Integration: Once validated, the data is integrated into accounting systems, ERP systems, or databases. This can be done via APIs or data import/export features.
  2. Exception Handling: For invoices that the system can’t process correctly, there needs to be a way to flag and handle exceptions, which may involve manual review.
  3. Learning and Improvement: Many systems use feedback and correction loops to improve their accuracy over time. Machine learning models can be retrained with corrected data to enhance performance.



Speeds up processing time compared to manual data entry.


Reduces human errors associated with manual data entry.


Lowers operational costs by minimizing the need for manual labour.


Easily handles large volumes of invoices without proportional increases in resources.

Challenges and Considerations:

Document Quality: Poor-quality scans or images can affect OCR accuracy.

Complexity of Invoices: Variations in invoice formats and layouts can make extraction challenging.

Initial Setup: Configuring the system and training models might require a significant upfront effort.

Automated invoice data capture systems are continually evolving and becoming more sophisticated, making them increasingly effective at handling diverse and complex invoicing scenarios.

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